Food Truck Insurance – Takaful International launches its newly product (3arabat)
Takaful International Company has launched its first of a kind takaful cover for Food Trucks “3arabat”. Food Truck Cover is a comprehensive cover that providers protection from all risks that are associated with such kind of business. The cover is designed to provide protection to the growing Food Truck business in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Mr. A.Aziz Al Othman, Deputy Chief Executive Officer commented “We have thought of these growing small businesses and the risk that they might face, hence we have designed a product (3arabat) to offer them protection and continuity of business in case of Fire, Natural Perils such as storms and floods, theft, persona accident cover for the staff working in the Trucks and business continuity cover.”
Mr. Al Othman also added that in addition to these covers, we have also included food poisoning as part of our 3arabat cover. We believe that this product provides all the protection Food Truck Owners need to safeguard their investments.
Takaful International Company B.S.C. is the first Islamic Insurance Company in Bahrain. It was established in 1989. The Company provides a wide range of insurance covers and products consistent with the principles of Islamic Shari’a that serves the various needs of individuals and corporates. The Company is a subsidiary of gig-Bahrain and is assigned a rating of A- Excellent by AM Best Credit Rating Agency.